Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Plum Numb??

One of the many trends I've been seeing is Dark eyes paired with a Deep Plum lip. 

This look is pretty daring.  For some reason I've never had a problem with a dark smokey eye but when it comes to those deep reds or wine shades for the lips I've shied away.  It could be because I have a smaller mouth and darker colors seem to make them seem even smaller. Or perhaps it just seems too dang bold for my personality??

I think fashion and makeup are all about finding what fits you as an individual or taking inspiration on something from a runway and simply making it your own.  So go ahead and paint those lips and find a shade that works for you. Sometimes even just the finish of a color can change things drastically.  Matte, Shiny, Satin. So, experiment and have some fun!  After all it is JUST makeup! 

Me with a smokey eye and a ...BERRY lip :)  Close enough!