Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tough Times

I just looked at my last post and saw all this positive energy and excitement that Summer had finally arrived and here I am writing again and its nearly winter. 

I really don't feel like explaining much but I have had a pretty terrible summer and autumn was...rough.  We lost my Grandmother to Lung Cancer (she was not a smoker) 6 weeks after she was diagnosed.  One day healthy, next day a cough. We thought it was something simple like bronchitis, then suddenly next thing you know she's being admitted to the hospital and learning it is stage 4 cancer.  Nothing in this world prepares you for that.  Nothing in this world prepares you for what you and your family will go through.  I wish there was a course, or a lesson somewhere to take to teach you how to be a supportive daughter and grand daughter.  Some book or hand-out that said something about how to give your Grandmother her painkillers when you know she needs them but she refuses because she doesn't like feeling like she's not in control. Or some book that told me how to help my own mom say good bye to her mommy.  Because maybe if there was some book, some...hand out that gave me all the information I needed I wouldn't feel so horrible.  Yes I know, there is bereavement literature out there and there  is grief counseling.  I know that and I know I said all the right things and I know....I was there and I helped in all the way s I could before my grandmothers passing and after.  However it doesn't FEEL that way. I'm still grieving and I'm still mad...but it is nothing in comparison to what my own Mom feels. 

At any rate...I went way further in detail than I had intended.  But, that's my excuse for lack of blogging, lack of videos and whatever else I've failed to do these last few months.   Here's praying winter treats me and my family much better.

Thanksgiving is around the corner and we're still sorting out where we are celebrating.  I'm thankful for my family and all the blessings we do have ...but this will be hard celebrating with out her.

I wish this post could have been more positive but it is what it is.  Everything has a season. We have our ups and we have our downs.  I'm hopeful for the ups.  With every storm comes a rainbow.  Bring on the unicorns!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

PS I am officially 63 days tobacco free.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Nautical Nails

It is officially Summer! HOORAY! So I say...bring on those family bbq's,  those wonderful smelling honeysuckles, bring on those cute firefly's,  and hand me another ice tea by the poolside! Oh and did I mention nautical inspired clothes!

Nothing screams Summer like nautical clothing, but why stop there?  Take the nautical to your mani as well.  Grab some of your favorite nautical inspired clothing, clippings from newspapers, magazines or even online and create your own fun design. 

Here are my inspirational photos.

 I went to Walgreen's and found some really fun blues perfect for any nautical manicure from SinfulColors and a new line to my knowledge called the SinfulShine.  I just ADORE these polishes.  Extremely colorful, very opaque and as if that wasn't enough to make me go buy more.  They were only 1.99 and only needed 1 coat of polish.  WOOT! 

The colors were so fantastic that I didn't want to take away from their beauty so I simply created cute line work on my ring fingers with manicure tape.  Easy, quick, and affordable.  This will look amazeballs with any of your nautical inspired outfits!  Enjoy!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hair Robbers oh my!

Have you heard the latest news? Remy human hair extensions are being robbed forcefully around the larger cities of the states.  I've read stories now a few times and had to share this one.  Click the won't believe me otherwise. CRAZY!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Velvet French Manicures

Spring is finally here and what better way to ring in the new season than with a fresh cute mani?! 

The hot color for spring is Mint, and all the rage lately has been velvet lipsticks.  So I decided to combine the two and create a soft mint french tip. 

Uber fast and easy because all you need are two polishes and a sponge. Doesn't get much easier or faster than that!  To view my tutorial on this simple but elegant look make sure to check it out on youtube!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fast Rant

Just attempting to connect all my social medias together...sounds so easy!  Should be super simple, but boy oh boy what a hassle!!  I made a huge mess I'm afraid lol.

I have entirely too many things going on!  I have my graphic design/ photo editing/ online gaming tour page website,  I have my beauty channel on YouTube, and I have of course my own identity with family and friends on facebook.  In able to merge all of these on one facebook would be horrible.  Those who want creations that are only makeup would see digital art creations and vice versa soooo I decided to create different pages for each. 

So offically I get to say me, myself, and I and really mean it as I have 3 official identities on facebook.  My personal page, my web page/ digital art/ photo editing place to connect, and now my YouTube beauty connection place.  I'm also a 'manager' on two other pages on facebook for friends/ family. 

OK end of rant, I promise to not use this blog to vent or whine ...toooo much!