That moment when you realize your not going to be able to save any of your programs, music, photos, or even your favorites list on your browser.....Yeah, not fun!
For the past week I've been doing nothing but troubleshooting, restoring, running programs to find out what the heck is wrong with this machine, then thinking I had it fixed! For it to only crash again and I lose all that I just thought I had restored to start all over with breaks of crying, screaming, and oh yes, kicking my feet!
Yes, I know I should have backed up everything it IS my fault and I do understand that but who really does stay on top of backing up? Maybe there are those smart insightful individuals who say oh yeah, I'm goin to save all this right now and back up my PC! IF you are one of those people...I applaud you! I sadly just am not that girl.
Anyhoot, good news is I at least have the bare bones of what I need for my pc. However I spent a good day or so trying to reinstall windows movie maker for youtube to only find out that my pc drivers are not compatible with the new 2012 version. Now I'm back to the 2011. What a headache. I'd not complain about it at all if it was listed somewhere on the download page. Something that says YOOHOO yeah, you! The one with the HP! You can't use this program sorry!
Ok, I'm done ranting! I'm going to smile, be merry and try to learn to backup my pc. New year resolution this year, forget the diets...BACKUP instead!