Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Autumn Leaves

Really?  Another autumn design...why YES of course!  I can't help it, really I can't!  I just love autumn and all things that go with it so much!  The other day was my local flea market and I had fun smelling every candle I came across. One specific lady whom I bought candles from before sold soy candles which I had to have. I loved "Harvest" and  "Pumpkin Crumble" candles.  I good does that sound?  Not as good as they smell, I promise.  MMM!

I had a lot of fun creating this nail art.  I knew I wanted to create a marbled effect background for the canvas to some falling leaves. I wasn't sure how well it would turn out and I'm happy with it!    In fact it was one of the easiest nail art designs for the non-dominate hand because you just slap on the color to a sponge and tap, tap, tap! Don't ya just love easy? lol

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