Monday, December 24, 2012


It is the most wonderful time of the year!

The holidays are here!  That time of year where everyone is a bit nicer, we celebrate our traditions, spend time with our family and friends and celebrate!  I take time each year to remember all the blessings I have in my life.  I try to every day but especially from Thanksgiving until the new year. 

I'm so thankful for my family, my Mom most of all, my friends, my loved ones, my cat Joe Joe, my health, the roof over my head, the simple joys in life, my electricity and running clean water, the clean air I breathe, and oh not to forget my coffee! 

I know some of those things seem silly but to some those things are a luxury and we can't ever stop being grateful for how easy it is to just turn our sinks on and have clean water! 

I hope you take the time to remember to be thankful!  Take time to remember the true reason for the season, and to simply be kind to one another this holiday and all through out the year. 

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas (or happy holiday season to be PC) and a Happy New year! 

Pictured below are my holiday themed nail arts.  Deck those halls, and those nails! :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Plum Numb??

One of the many trends I've been seeing is Dark eyes paired with a Deep Plum lip. 

This look is pretty daring.  For some reason I've never had a problem with a dark smokey eye but when it comes to those deep reds or wine shades for the lips I've shied away.  It could be because I have a smaller mouth and darker colors seem to make them seem even smaller. Or perhaps it just seems too dang bold for my personality??

I think fashion and makeup are all about finding what fits you as an individual or taking inspiration on something from a runway and simply making it your own.  So go ahead and paint those lips and find a shade that works for you. Sometimes even just the finish of a color can change things drastically.  Matte, Shiny, Satin. So, experiment and have some fun!  After all it is JUST makeup! 

Me with a smokey eye and a ...BERRY lip :)  Close enough!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween.  Hurricane Sandy is pounding the east coast so I pray you're all safe!  Where I live in VA it is currently snowing / raining with some high wind gusts but nothing major!  Hope it stays that way too! 

Here is a fun cute nail art design I created today.  Check out the tutorial on YouTube!  :) I call this one..Spooky Tree.  I was inspired by a lot of the retro Halloween movies and cards you would see with the huge moon and spooky tree silhouette.  It's pretty easy to do as long as you're patient and allow things to fully dry...which of course I'm not ! ha! Good luck with your own designs and Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I attempted to create spidey nails ...lemme just say for the record! I wore more polish on everywhere... but my nails. 

Yep, arms, hands, even my right knee.  My black polish went EVERYWHERE.  No idea why but it went voodoo hoodoo on me! Fittingly enough for halloween nails right?  My spider is lack luster but, hey I tried! lol 

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

50 shades of Grey....crazy clouds!

9/25/12 I took these photos of crazy Undulatus Asperatus clouds.

"Undulatus asperatus (or alternately, asperatus) is a cloud formation, proposed in 2009 as a separate cloud classification by the founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society. If successful it will be the first cloud formation added since cirrus intortus in 1951 to the International Cloud Atlas of the World Meteorological Organization.[2] The name translates approximately as roughened or agitated waves."--Wikipedia

Apparently it is just a crazy looking cloud that really doesn't do much beyond look really groovy! It rained but that was after the cloud show.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pc Crashes

That moment when you realize your not going to be able to save any of your programs, music, photos, or even your favorites list on your browser.....Yeah, not fun! 

For the past week I've been doing nothing but troubleshooting, restoring, running programs to find out what the heck is wrong with this machine, then thinking I had it fixed!  For it to only crash again and I lose all that I just thought I had restored to start all over with breaks of  crying, screaming, and oh yes, kicking my feet!

Yes, I know I should have backed up everything it IS my fault and I do understand that but who really does stay on top of backing up? Maybe there are those smart insightful individuals who say oh yeah, I'm goin to save all this right now and back up my PC!  IF you are one of those people...I applaud you! I sadly just am not that girl.

Anyhoot, good news is I at least have the bare bones of what I need for my pc. However I spent a good day or so trying to reinstall windows movie maker for youtube to only find out that my pc drivers are not compatible with the new 2012 version.  Now I'm back to the 2011.  What a headache.  I'd not complain about it at all if it was listed somewhere on the download page.  Something that says YOOHOO yeah, you!  The one with the HP!  You can't use this program sorry!

Ok, I'm done ranting!  I'm going to smile, be merry and try to learn to backup my pc.  New year resolution this year, forget the diets...BACKUP instead!

Autumn Leaves

Really?  Another autumn design...why YES of course!  I can't help it, really I can't!  I just love autumn and all things that go with it so much!  The other day was my local flea market and I had fun smelling every candle I came across. One specific lady whom I bought candles from before sold soy candles which I had to have. I loved "Harvest" and  "Pumpkin Crumble" candles.  I good does that sound?  Not as good as they smell, I promise.  MMM!

I had a lot of fun creating this nail art.  I knew I wanted to create a marbled effect background for the canvas to some falling leaves. I wasn't sure how well it would turn out and I'm happy with it!    In fact it was one of the easiest nail art designs for the non-dominate hand because you just slap on the color to a sponge and tap, tap, tap! Don't ya just love easy? lol

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Autumn is almost here!

Hands down, Autumn is my favorite season.  The slight chill to the air that tingles your nose and fingers, the smell of chimneys, home-made apple butter, and apple cider.  The wonderfully perfect skies and yes...those beautiful vibrant fall leaves!  LOVE IT!

I am already inspired by the thought of the colors and so I created an autumn inspired makeup creation thingy-bop.  Yes, thingy-bop IS a technical term or at least it is in MY world. (enter scary manic laughter here MUAHAHAHA) No, it isn't a Halloween look, although by that laugh I would understand if you thought so.  It is a vibrant colored cut crease with browns, oranges, reds, and gold baby yeah!

Do you have a favorite season that you like to draw inspiration from? 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Effie Trinket Inspired - High Impact Autumn Manicure

Hey guys!  Hope you're all doin' well!  Autumn is just around the corner so I thought I would kick it off with a really Fast & Easy manicure that had high impact. 

I just watched The Hunger Games, (yep I'm behind times!) and really loved Effie Trinket's bold color choices.

This nail art design is inspired by her cute nails however I have used a darker autumn plum base by NYC # 220B "Canal Street".  It has a metallic finish that has warm golden undertones perfect for the autumn months. 

NYC in a New york color Minute dries in 60 seconds.  I applied two heavy coats. This entire manicure literally took me approximately 10 mins MAX, including drying time for even the top coat! *cheers to fast manicures!*  So if you're on the rush to have a fast cute mani, this ones for you!

After your base coat and 2 coats of the Canal Street dries you simply sponge on your favorite gold glitter polish on the center tips.  Make sure to focus the gold more in the middle and allow it to fade outwards to the edges of your nails.  The perfect part of this manicure is it takes zero talent!  Just use any sponge.  I used a sponge wedge  that is for makeup applications. 

Tutorial on my YouTube channel so make sure to check that out and other fun nail art designs as well as some makeup :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fun oil painting manicures

Oil Painting Manicure

Inspired by the paintings we all adore and admire I decided to take it to my manicure.  I was feeling somewhat creative and wanted to paint but I didn't have canvas but thought how silly of course I have canvas.  I have my nails! 

You can easily make your own nails your own masterpiece with the right tools.

I used non toxic water based Acrylic paints, a few nail art brushes and a bit of creativity and topped it all off with a heavy clear nail polish top coat.  You can find the paints on eBay or at your local craft store.

What do you think of my sunset nails?  I think they're fun and very colorful.  Next time you're bored of same ol' same nails why not try it!  Good luck!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Lemon Sugar Scrub-licious-ness!

Home-made Lemon Sugar Scrub!

I love those sugar scrubs that leave your skin silky smooth and smelling so fresh, but the price..not so much!  I decided to make my very own scrub and I must say, it is aweeeesome.

You will need

2 cups of white or brown sugar (I used white)
2 lemons
2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil (can you sunflower oil, grape seed oil or whatever you wish)
1 glass jar with fitting lid. (Purchased mine at Walmart for 2.00 "Mainstays" collection)

In a bowl mix sugar and break up any big clumps.  Using a grater or zester: zest about 1 lemon into the sugar.  This is mostly for the oils the lemon zest extracts into the sugar and the wonderful lasting scent.

I squeezed 2 lemons into my scrub.  If you have very dry skin skip this step. 

Then simply mix your oil!  If you skip the lemon juice step you will need to add more oil.  Just remember you want it to be wet enough that is doesn't dry out and isn't flaky. 

Pour into a glass container w/ a lid and you can store in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. 

*TIP* Sugar scrubs are much more gentle than salt and even soft enough for the face.  However test small areas before scrubbing entire face or body to make sure there is no irritation.

If you do store in the refrigerator: The day of your scrubbing I would remove and let come to room temp.  Make sure if you exfoliate to do so BEFORE Shaving.  And never use a scrub on any broken skin.  

Scrub skin down before your showers, and exfoliate the skin. Rub in gentle circular motions to remove any icky dry dead skin.  Your skin will thank you with a wonderful shine and softness! 

WARNING:  This scrub smells so good it will make you want to dive head first and bathe in it!  Refrain from doing so cause that is some STICKY stuff!  lol

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Quick easy ways to whiten your Natural nails!

Even when we use a base coat our nails can start looking all sorts of FUNkay from using nail polishes after a while.  Mine recently were turning more yellow and I thought why not try baking soda it whitens my teeth and clothes... why not my nails??

I was happy with the results and made a video on youtube on how to do it up yourself at home.  The less money I spend the more I can spend on polishes errr..I mean save! 

I love at home tips and tricks!  Other ways to whiten your nails that I've heard of are using denture cleaner tablets.  You toss them into water and soak those funky yellow nails lol. 

You can spend a few bucks and buy at home whiteners as well...however I think the baking soda technique  is more gentle on your natural nails and hands and not to mention much gentler on your wallet!
(bought my baking soda at the dollar tree.  Oh ya babe!)

Give it a try and let me know which works best for you! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

'Spirit Indestructible' Nelly Furtado's latest video was full of inspiration from her lyrics to the makeup.  She had a great black and white jacket and blinged up yellow eyes with matching earrings in part of the video which I adored. I decided to recreate the look!  Below are the inspirational photos as well as my own creation! 

Here is my inspired creation.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dual Purpose Quickie!

I love this quick easy dual purpose.  Next time you see or use a aluminum drink can you can start saving the top popper or tab opener  and make your own piggy back clothes hangers.  You can spend a lot of your hard earned money buying hangers to save you space and to organize your closet.

Instead save that cash and recycle with this quick dual purpose trick!

Simply pop the tab off an aluminum can and slide your hanger through one of the holes attach your other hanger to the bottom.  You've easily saved money, time and organized your closet by 'piggy backing' your clothes! This trick works best with slim necked hangers.

Great way to match your suits and save space in your closet. You can even add your favorite scarfs, belts or accessories to the hangers as well.  Save that space by going up and down instead of cramming all your clothes side by side!

I love the idea of recycling when we can and this is an easy dual purpose thats recycling something we already may use and just toss away.  If you don't personally use the cans you probably know someone who does and they would probably be more than willing to give up the tabs!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Independence Day! 

I had a blast taking pictures of the fireworks this year and I scored a few great shots woohoo! 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


So far my plans are pretty much in the air with all this heat and storms we have had on the east coast I'm not entirely sure what festivities will still be in the works however I have heard many places will indeed still have fireworks!  Woot!

I wish you all a very safe and happy July 4th! 

Isn't this make-up just hot lol.  I love it!

Friday, June 29, 2012

New nail art design ...I hope everyone has a Fun and SAFE Independence Day!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Hairy Situation

Two days ago I went for a hair cut and I was reminded yet again by my stylist how fast my hair grows and how healthy it seems. Everyone all my life has commented on how strong and healthy my hair is and I really haven't put much thought to it. I always said I was blessed with great genetics (Most of my family has very thick and lush hair). I tend to allow my hair to grow then I try to donate to locks of love when possible. This particular hair cut I didn't but if I had cut about 3 more inches of hair I could have. I'll donate next time...However, could it be more than just some good genetics that have my hair growing so fast and being so strong?

So, the past few days I've put heavy thought and research into it. I think I know why my hair grows faster and is more healthy than say... the average person. So here are my personal tips. No, I'm not a rocket scientist or in this case a follicle doctor err person-thing. BUT I do have some educated guesses and opinions... so yeah, here it is!

Don't over do it!

Common sense tells us if you put a lot of heavy chemicals on your hair it probably is not going to love it. Enough said!

Keep it simple.

Try not to perm, color, or over style your hair. I'm not saying not to get those highlights or hide that grey hair but be smart about it. Also, I'm not saying not to use products. In fact, products can really leave your hair healthier than before using them. Spend some time in the hairspray section of your local store. Some gels and such now are packed with vitamins, oils, and other healthy mumbo-jumbo for your hair.

Condition your hair!

Even if you have oily hair, which I tend to have an oily scalp...condition your ends and tips of your hair. You can use any conditioner of your choice, leave in conditioners, wash out ones, but do your hair the needs hydration. Also, If your hair is already breaking a lot wait it out and dye or perm your hair once your hair is more hydrated and healthy. Try hot oil treatments to get your hair all shiny again. In Italy they use olive oil on their hair. You can even use avocados and other natural things from your fridge to give your hair a boost. Nothin' beats free! (I've used sunflower seed oil and olive oils... just go light with both run some oil on your hands and spread through the tips of your hair.)

Skip a day least!

Do not wash your hair every day. By doing so your stripping your hair of the moisture it needs to be strong, healthy and it will lose that shine. Shampoo leaves residue in hair so if you MUST wash every day try a dry shampoo or if your really in a pinch and your hair is oily try baby powder. I know that sounds like so crazy but my mom said people in the 70s did it a lot and I tried it. It works. Just don't over do it. You don't need much powder and you do not want to look like Casper the friendly ghost. Just a dab will do, massage it into the scalp where it is oily and lightly towel is out. It will look and feel less oily.

Wet hair is fragile hair!

Most of us brush our hair when it is at its most fragile..when your hair is wet! When your hair is wet brushing will cause breakage. Instead of brushing try picking your hair with a pick or large tooth comb. If you can't then Brush your tips first to detangle then the scalp to tip gently when wet. Be patient and use detanglers if you have a crazy hot mess like I do in the mornings.

*Useless knowledge moment* We shed about 50 to 100 hairs a day. I sat and counted all mine in the floor! No, I didn't! I just heard some doctor say it. I lied. I'm Sorry.

Heat is bad.

Yep, I said it. Hot curlers, Curling irons, flat irons Oh My! Protect your hair before you blow dry or heat up your hair there are many products out these days that will even improve how your hair looks after applying it. Pantene Heat Protection and Shine Spray works great.

Bind the bands!

All hair bands break hair. I've tried them all and in fact this is what I'm most guilty of. I sleep with my hair pulled out of my face. I'm RE-training myself to use pins, claws, anything but a band. Try to not use them, you will see me.

Might be yer Diet!

Oh yes, probably the main reason beyond genetics as to why my hair is probably growing faster than my peers. I love food, I'm a foodie. I could talk hours about food, but I wont bore you. Variety is the spice of life and it is vital for all skin and hair growth. (water intake too, get those 8 glasses....yes I need to work on that one)

Our bodies need the vitamins and I am a huge believer that having the actual food in its most natural state is when it is most beneficial. Sure you could pop another pill...but nothin' is like the real thing, sugar! Here are 10 yums to add to your diet for your tresses!

1. Fish- omega 3s baby, yeah!

2. Dark green veggies- yep any of the dark ones tend to be packed full of vitamins A and C which helps the body produce sebum. (that oily stuff your hairs natural conditioner!)

3. Beans- Beans beans the more you eat the ...more protein your hair gets! What? You didn't think I was going to say F..nah! Protein promotes hair growth! Beans are full of iron, zinc, and biotin. Biotin deficiencies can result in brittle hair, among other things.

4. Nuts- If you can eat them, they're full of good vitamins for your hair too like alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3 which conditions hair) Zinc which helps to stop shedding. Brazil nuts have selenium a mineral for the health of your scalp.

5. Poultry- more protein!

6. Eggs- Protein again

7. Whole Grains- You can just eat a bowl of whole grain cereal and get your zinc, iron, and B vitamins!

8. Low fat Dairy- more proteins and helps keep hair strong not to mention your bones.

9. Oysters- yeah I'm not trying this one. But its another great source of zinc so I hear. YUCK!

10. Carrots- Vitamin A which is not only great for your eyes, skin but your hair. I love carrots raw or cooked but if you do cook any of your veggies remember they are best steamed only lightly to receive the whole benefit of all their vita-yumminess.

You don't have to eat them all but these are great examples of ways to grab those nutrients. I love salads, you can make them really creatively so they aren't boring old side salads too. So have fun and get creative. Yep, I just suggested you play with your food. :)

Last but not least...Enjoy what you naturally have.

Embrace your hair texture! We're all unique and great in our own ways. Try not to straighten your hair, relax your hair or curl your hair to death err...well your hair is technically already dead but you get the point! Enjoy being you, and rock what you already got! I know we love trying new things and well rock that too...but don't be afraid to just let it be. I think our natural hair is beautiful and the world would be a heck of a boring place if we all had blond bone straight hair, don't you agree??

So maybe all of this was a huge duh moment for you and you just wasted a few moments reading all this when you could have been playing Angry Birds and if so, that sucks! Hopefully at the least you grabbed something from it and can use it in your daily life. Or hey, worse case scenario you will store this in the pile of useless knowledge you never think you will use and then like one day you're on some application game and you realize 'HOLY BLUE JEANS' ....I really am smarter than a '5th grader'!

I've had so many compliments on my manicure I decided to make it into a tutorial. (view on youtube) 

I created a fun corset on my thumb and embelished with a black and white french tip.  Pictured below as it was still drying but it turned out fantastic.  This is a super easy design to create and a lot of fun.  Great for all who want to spice up w/ a few accent nails only.  What do you think?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'm loving nail art stickers!  They're so easy and you can choose from sooo many designs!  Sadly they can get a bit pricey! 

Instead of digging in your pockets for cash, why not make your own with what is already probably laying around the house? 
I'm going to upload a tutorial but I will upload more photos after I make more designs but here is a super fast and easy Independence day design!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Pur-pink nail art

A fast and easy nail art design is loading as I type this to youtube.  It is definately one of those great design concepts that you can go to when you only have a few moments to spare before you run out the door. 

 I like using dotting tools and quick designs like this after you've already worn a color on your nails a few days.  By then it needs a top off, and a fresh look! 

Great way to liven up a cute color that you love but arent wanting to wear by it self for more than a few days.  Anyone else out there get bored of a solid manicure after a few days or is that just me?? LOL

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Busy busy bee!

Wow, am I a total slacker or what??  Ha!  Lately I haven't had much time for blogging or nail art sadly.  I feel terrible I haven't been more productive!

I have been very busy with the design website but I hope to load a new nail art design soon.  I think I'm going to go with something bright and Purple!

Not too much to say since I've been slacking lol but I've been reading a lot of news about FDA and cosmetics along with nail polish.  I hope soon we can have more pure and healthy products to put on our bodies.  I'm glad we are becoming more aware of what we use and how it can effect our well being and the world. 

I've been out of the loop a bit, I have to check up on the new nail trends.  Any new ones catching your eye?  Let me know!

Wishing you health and happiness,


Monday, March 12, 2012

Abstract Lace Nail Art

I had fun creating this abstract nail art design however my camera was not loving me.  It decided to not film 70% of the lace detail work.  OH well!  Can't always have everything you want right?

Have a wonderful St Patrick's Day Everyone!